Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A little more about team Eduar (1/3 things signed off on Alpha!)

Seeing as I have just completely finished one of the main components of our project, I thought I would go into a bit more detail about some of the components.

Basically we have 3 main bits of the project:

1. konfigerator
2. ???
3. ???

obviously I wont talk about the last two bits just yet. I can talk about the Konfigerator.

What the Konfigerator does is guides the user through the configuration of our solution, this includes running camera calibration tools, printing out AR markers, etc. the cool thing about the Konfigerator is that it is completly configurable and scriptible without having to rebuild the program.

Yes, pictures are coming, just not at this specific time.

I should post some more tommorow, maybe with a bit of video.

Monday, May 21, 2007


Just thought I would tell you all that we havent forgotten about this blog, its just that we are increadibly busy, expect a long post soonish

Saturday, May 12, 2007

General Progress

Things are going well for us at the moment, People seem to be knowing what they are doing, I'm on to the backend of our project, its sort of a SAAS solution but completly diffrent :p

I've taken a few pictures of us at work - its just a matter of me uploading them to Zooomr (I will do this next week).

We might even be ready to announce our project to the world on thursday.

I'll post again on Thursday (with pics, hopfully)

Monday, May 7, 2007

Progress Report

Hey all, I'm Jeremy Blanchet, but everyone calls me Jerm. I'm mainly working on the presentation, documentation and hardware, but I'll contribute to programming every now and then (not so far at the moment ... they don't trust me with the main program ... lol).

Quick update of what I've and everyone else has been doing, I've got some of the user documentation and presentation, not much thou cause of a close family member in mine just past away a few days ago. I believe Josh has done most, if not all of what he was working on and started something else ... I really don't know what he is working on now, he's not really saying. I have no idea how Nick is getting along, so either he or josh will have to put a progress report for him sometime down the track.

That will do for now ... someone should update again in a couple of days (probably Josh ... who should have some pictures and stuff :) )

Until sometime down the track

Saturday, May 5, 2007

So, um, yeah.

It might get a bit quiet here over the next 4-7 days

We have an important milestone on monday and we still have alot of work todo on the build

so unless my fellow teammates have something they want to say

I'll see you all when I see you - with pictures!!!!!! (and some stat tracking code for us - but you dont care about that, do you?)

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Welcome to the house of Eduar


I'm Josh Harris, and I am the Team leader for the Eduar Imagine Cup Software Design Invitational team(thats a mouthful). We are based in Christchurch, New Zealand.

So, what are we doing?
I can't give too much away at the moment, but I can say that we are developing an Augmented Reality solution with some really cool technology's

Who else is in the team?
Nick Lloyd
Jeremy Blanchet

Why is our team blog at blogger and not spaces.live.com?
it would of taken a while to set up, whereas here - I have a previous account here and wanted to set this blog up as quickly as possible

More to come (pictures, videos, and posts)